All News and Announcements: Announcements
33 Articles
- Announcements
Laura DeNardis elected to life membership in the Council on Foreign Relations
Congratulations to Prof. Laura DeNardis , endowed chair in Technology, Ethics, and Society at Georgetown, on her election into life membership in the Council on Foreign Relations…
August 1, 2022
- Announcements
Laura DeNardis joins the Center for Digital Ethics at Georgetown
Georgetown University has announced that Laura DeNardis, Ph.D., a globally-recognized technology and society scholar, is joining Georgetown University’s faculty as the…
July 25, 2022
- Announcements
Leading Technology and Society Researcher Joins Georgetown for the Year To Fuel Cross-Campus Innovation
Georgetown has announced that danah boyd , a leading expert and researcher at Microsoft Research who studies the intersection of technology and society has joined Georgetown as…
October 15, 2021