
At events on campus and beyond, CDE faculty discuss the implications of emerging technology for the future of work, democracy, national security, and what it means to be human.


New book by Meg Leta Jones

Meg Leta Jones’s new book Feminist CyberLaw, co-edited with CDE affiliate faculty member Amanda Levendowski, launched on May 29 at a pre-conference workshop at the annual Privacy Law Scholars Conference held at Georgetown University Law Center on May 30-31.

BOOK TALKS: The Secret Life of Data with authors Aram Sinnreich and Jesse Gilbert and CDE director Laura DeNardis

April 18, 2024 1-2pm ET online, hosted by the Internet Archive

April 25, 2024 2-3 pm ET IN PERSON at Car Barn 311

Dr. Laura DeNardis, Director of the Center for Digital Ethics, held an exciting conversation exploring the many unpredictable ways in which data surveillance, AI, and the constant presence of algorithms impact our culture and society in the age of global networks. The authors build on this basic premise: no matter what form data takes, and what purpose we think it’s being used for, data will always have a secret life. How this data will be used, by other people in other times and places, has profound implications for every aspect of our lives—from our intimate relationships to our professional lives to our political systems.

Tech & Society Week 2024: April 8-12

The Center for Digital Ethics hosted special events showcasing CDE faculty research, student work, and conversation during Georgetown’s third annual Tech & Society Week—a week of events across campus, exploring various issues at the nexus of technology and society.

  • Faculty Meet & Greet
  • AI Ethics Showcase

Learn more

Placeholder photo for Past Events Block

CDE sponsors second annual Penn-Georgetown Digital Ethics Conference

The second annual Penn-Georgetown Digital Ethics Workshop took place on March 29-30 at the University of Pennsylvania. The workshop convened a group of philosophers with interdisciplinary training who work on cutting-edge topics in digital ethics. There were eight talks by digital ethics scholars, and eight corresponding commentators. Sponsored by the Center for Digital Ethics at Georgetown University. More information


CDE co-hosts Feb. 14 conversation on “Human Creativity in an AI World” featuring Laura DeNardis and Susanna Lee

On Wednesday, February 14, CDE, along with the Georgetown Humanities Initiative (GHI) and the faculty of Languages and Linguistics, co-hosted a conversation exploring how literary, artistic, and musical compositions are increasingly entangled with generative AI. CDE Director Laura DeNardis and Prof. Susanna Lee, professor and chair of the department of French and Francophone Studies spoke at Copley Formal Lounge spoke with a lively audience. The event was part of the new GHI series “What Makes Us Human in the Age of AI” Read about the event


CDE faculty host community viewing event as social media CEOs testify about youth online safety

On Wednesday, January 30, CDE director Laura DeNardis and core faculty member Meg Leta Jones hosted a community viewing event for students interested in the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing focusing on child exploitation via social media. Read more about the hearing

Sept 18 Picture Collage

CDE co-sponsors Sept. 18 panel featuring renowned human rights lawyer Susie Alegre

CDE and the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) held an insightful and open conversation on “Digital Ethics & The Freedom of Thought” on Monday, September 18, 2023, from 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM EDT at Georgetown University, hosted by the Communication, Culture & Technology Program. The panelists and participants navigated the intricate intersections of technology, digital ethics, and the freedom of thought. Read about the event


Laura DeNardis gives keynote at GIG-ARTS in Padua, Italy May 15, 2023

Convening in the ancient Palazzo Bo in the 800-year old University of Padua, the Seventh European Multidisciplinary Conference on Global Internet Governance Actors, Regulations, Transactions and Strategies kicked off its discussion of “The Governance of Cybersecurity: Resilience, Human Rights and Democracy” with a keynote address by the CDE’s Laura DeNardis.


CDE faculty speak at John Carroll Weekend April 21-22, 2023

On Friday, April 21, three Center for Digital Ethics (CDE) faculty members spoke to a standing-room-only audience in a panel titled “AI Chat: Crisis or Human Evolution?” at John Carroll Weekend 2023 in San Francisco, CA. The next day, CDE’s Anupam Chander was part of a dynamic panel on “Democracy, Technology, and Geopolitics: Shaping our Global Future.” Read more


CDE Convenes Two-Day Digital Ethics Workshop with University of Pennsylvania

March 31 – April 1, 2023 — The Center for Digital Ethics, in partnership with the University of Pennsylvania, convened a two day workshop featuring new research on digital ethics by rising early-career researchers from various disciplinary backgrounds including philosophy, business ethics, and computer science. Learn more about the program


GU Tech & Society Week March 27 – April 1, 2023

From March 27 – April 1, CDE faculty figured prominently at the second annual Tech & Society Week—a week of events across campus, exploring various issues at the nexus of technology and society. Read more