All News and Announcements: Announcements

26 Articles


Cal Newport on July 5, 2023 “Plain English” podcast from the The Ringer Podcast Network

Cal Newport discusses the deceptive lure of productivity tools and how they actually make us less productive in “How the Digital Workplace Broke Our Brains” on Derek…

July 5, 2023

Past Events

CDE Artificial Intelligence Panel at John Carroll Weekend 2023

On Friday, April 21, three Center for Digital Ethics (CDE) faculty members spoke to a standing-room-only audience in a panel titled "AI Chat: Crisis or Human Evolution?" at John…

April 21, 2023

Past Events

CDE at Tech & Society Week 2023

March 27 – April 1, 2023 marked the second annual Tech & Society Week—a week of events taking place throughout Georgetown, exploring various issues "at the nexus of…

April 4, 2023


Laura DeNardis elected to life membership in the Council on Foreign Relations

Congratulations to Prof. Laura DeNardis , endowed chair in Technology, Ethics, and Society at Georgetown, on her election into life membership in the Council on Foreign Relations…

August 1, 2022


Laura DeNardis joins the Center for Digital Ethics at Georgetown

Georgetown University has announced that Laura DeNardis, Ph.D., a globally-recognized technology and society scholar, is joining Georgetown University’s faculty as the…

July 25, 2022


Leading Technology and Society Researcher Joins Georgetown for the Year To Fuel Cross-Campus Innovation

Georgetown has announced that danah boyd , a leading expert and researcher at Microsoft Research who studies the intersection of technology and society has joined Georgetown as…

October 15, 2021