All News and Announcements: Archive

38 Articles


Cal Newport in the New Yorker: “It’s time to dismantle the Technopoly“

Writing in the New Yorker, CDE’s Cal Newport reflects on the recent history of societal responses to the introduction and incorporation of new technologies. He argues…

December 18, 2023


Chander shares research data on use of TikTok by members of Congress

CDE Affiliate faculty member Anupam Chander writes in Tech Policy Press that perhaps contrary to expectation, fewer than one out of every ten members of Congress uses a…

November 28, 2023


Laura DeNardis, PhD appointed inaugural director of the Center for Digital Ethics

The Office of the Provost at Georgetown University has announced the appointment of Laura DeNardis, Ph.D., as the inaugural director of the Center for Digital Ethics.…

October 23, 2023


CDE’s Cal Newport delivers the Crown Lecture in Ethics at the Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke University

Posted in News  |  Tagged Cal Newport, public understanding of technology Photos courtesy of Duke University On Thursday, October 5, Professor…

October 17, 2023


Chander interviewed for NPR “Marketplace” report on “how EU regulation is changing tech”

Posted in News  |  Tagged Anupam Chander, regulation On September 12, 2023, CDE affiliate faculty member Anupam Chander, Scott K. Ginsburg…

September 12, 2023

Past Events

CDE co-sponsors panel on “Digital Ethics and the Freedom of Thought” featuring renowned international human rights lawyer and author Susie Alegre

CDE and the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) held an insightful and open conversation on “Digital Ethics & The Freedom of Thought” on,…

September 11, 2023


Cal Newport in The New Yorker: We Don’t Need a New Twitter

Writing in The New Yorker, Cal Newport explores the effort to create a Twitter alternative and asks “Why is it so important to create a better version of Twitter in the…

August 16, 2023


Matt Blaze receives USENIX Lifetime Achievement Award

CDE Faculty affiliate Matt Blaze has received the USENIX Lifetime Achievement Award – the FLAME AWARD – for making a “profound and lasting impact on computer…

August 14, 2023


Cal Newport on July 5, 2023 “Plain English” podcast from the The Ringer Podcast Network

Cal Newport discusses the deceptive lure of productivity tools and how they actually make us less productive in “How the Digital Workplace Broke Our Brains” on Derek…

July 5, 2023


Will Fleisher quoted in the May 2, 2023 Windsor Star

“Developers still have a responsibility to try and mitigate the potential for abuse or misappropriation of their systems to occur. As an example, Fleisher points to the…

May 2, 2023