All News and Announcements: Announcements

26 Articles


Sept. 27 Book Talk with Marietje Schaake, tech policy expert and author of The Tech Coup: How to Save Democracy from Silicon Valley

Marietje Schaake, Member of the European Parliament from 2009 to 2019 and one of the world's leading thinkers on tech policy, discusses her book, The Tech Coup: How to Save…

September 12, 2024


CDE co-sponsors “AI and Democracy,” with director Laura DeNardis as panelist, on Monday, September 9, 2024

In this panel discussion, leading academic experts and senior professionals discussed the level of peril, highlight the role of AI, and consider how it may affect the upcoming U.…

September 9, 2024


CDE director Laura DeNardis delivers 2024 Convocation address to new GU students

On Saturday, August 24, 2024, CDE director Laura DeNardis, inaugural endowed chair in Technology, Ethics, and Society at the College of Arts and Sciences at Georgetown, delivered…

August 26, 2024


Cookies, Consent, and the Future of Technology Policy: A Conversation with Meg Leta Jones on Thurs, Sept. 5, 2024

On Sept. 5 at 3pm in the Leavey Program Room, join Meg Leta-Jones for cookies, coffee/tea, and stimulating conversation with CDE faculty Julie Cohen, Cal Newport, and Paul Ohm…

August 6, 2024


DeNardis speaks at the Internet Society, Yale

In June, CDE director Laura DeNardis spoke on internet architecture and governance to the new cohort of Mid-Career Fellows at the Internet Society, and on AI and cybersecurity to…

July 1, 2024


Meg Leta Jones publishes two books in June

DE’s Meg Leta Jones has published The Character of Consent with MIT Press and Feminist Cyberlaw (co-edited with Amanda Levendowski) with University of California.…

June 28, 2024


CDE faculty host privacy law conference, hold workshop on feminist cyberlaw

On May 30 and 31, 2024, Georgetown University Law hosted the 2024 Privacy Law Scholars Conference (PLSC), which was organized by Meg Leta Jones, Julie Cohen, and Paul Ohm. The…

June 3, 2024


BOOK TALKS: The Secret Life of Data with authors Aram Sinnreich and Jesse Gilbert and CDE director Laura DeNardis

April 18, 2024 1-2pm ET online, hosted by the Internet Archive April 25, 2024 2-3 pm ET IN PERSON at Car Barn 311 Dr. Laura DeNardis, Director of the Center for Digital,…

April 25, 2024


Tech & Society Week 2024

April 8-12 The Center for Digital Ethics hosted special events showcasing CDE faculty research, student work, and conversation during Georgetown’s third annual Tech &…

April 15, 2024

Student Stories

Student Stories: Fritz Fellow Mac Milin Kiran publishes with CDE’s Jones and Newport on proposed child online safety legislation

In an article published on titled Are We Tumbling Toward an Adults-Only Internet? Meg Leta Jones, CCT MA candidate and Fritz Fellow Mac Milin Kiran, and Cal Newport…

April 12, 2024