
Chander shares research data on use of TikTok by members of Congress

CDE Affiliate faculty member Anupam Chander writes in Tech Policy Press that perhaps contrary to expectation, fewer than one out of every ten members of Congress uses a TikTok account for posting content.

Chander and co-authors Donara Aghajani, a second-year law student at Georgetown Law, and Alyanna Apacible (Georgetown Law, LLM ’23), a privacy and technology lawyer currently working at an international non-profit, offer their data as a “snapshot of lawmaker engagement” with the popular but controversial app. In light of competing pressures either to use the app as a powerful campaign tool or to refrain from using the app out of “concerns that the app is a vector for foreign propaganda, surveillance, or both,” the authors expect their data to provide a useful “benchmark” for tracking politicans’ use of the app going forward.

Anupam Chander